Nor Cal Equine will be taking legal possession of this horse at 5 p.m. today if the owner does as he said he would. Nor Cal paid for Taylor vet to access the horses condition. One of the vets said "This is one of the worst cases of horse starvation I've seen where the horse is still alive". Taylor vet is going to try and take the horse to it's clinic today at five when the owner signs it over. I want to personally thank Nor Cal Equine for helping this horse.
While waiting for the vets to arrive I walked around talking to neighbors who have been asking what's going on with the horse. They have all been calling animal control for over a month now and seemed to really care about his situation. I told one of them that I needed a picture for my blog and along came Eric. Eager to have his picture taken. Thank you Eric.
Foot Note: the story about this horse on my blog is scattered and a little difficult to understand. I was communicating on another blog and through e-mails to NorCal Equine Rescue. They did acquire possession of the horse who is now named Phoenix. They ran the entire story on their blog http://savethehorse.blogspot.com/2009/05/5-5-09.html The story was also picked up by the Modesto Bee. The articles title is "Former Racehorse Saved From Starving to Death". Published May 17, 2009. Phoenix is recovering and occasionally NorCal Equine Runs updates.
This blog is for my own personal growth as a photographer, however I am also discovering the significance of photographs in our everyday lives. I'm grateful for the ability to post pictures, which then can get others involved and in this case that ability played a major roll in saving a life. In fact without pictures and a place to share them, Phoenix would have died in that field.