While on one of my peregrinations I passed by this old man. He saw my camera and put up his hand. I was already in the picture taking process so I took his picture. It's not a great picture by any means, or even a good one, it is one of those pictures that grows on you.
I can't explain myself how I feel about this picture, but I have a quote by Diane Arbus, one of my favorite photographers, that can hopefully convey an idea about it.
"Recently I did a picture—I’ve had this experience before—and I made rough prints of a number of them. There was something wrong in all of them. I felt I’d sort of missed it and I figured I’d go back. But there was one that was just totally peculiar. It was a terrible dodo of a picture. It looks to me a little as if the lady’s husband took it. It’s terribly head-on and sort of ugly and there’s something terrific about it. I’ve gotten to like it better and better and now I’m secretly sort of nutty about it."
I am back home and will get back into shooting a picture a day. I have decided that I have to make allowances for shooting black and white film and given my schedule it will be to difficult to try and shoot for this blog as well as shoot black and white. So I have decided that If I shoot black and white in any given day I can take one of the black and white images I already have scanned in and use it for that days post.