Saturday, June 5, 2010

Day 338 Brenden Theater

Yesterday my husband and I went to see the movie Species. About forty minutes into the movie we noticed a pungent oder, one I recognized from my wanton youth. I went to complain to the management about people smoking pot in the theater and while I was doing so another couple left and demanded their money back. I went back to the theater as the "security team" was exiting and they said yes the smell was pretty strong. I'll say... it was pervasive through out and smoke clouded the screen! The security guy in charge said they couldn't do anything unless the people were caught red handed with a cherry or a bud so they were off to the projection room to scope out the situation. My husband and I left as the smell was just to strong. And we felt they should have gotten rid of the perpetrators committing this high crime. This was a five o:clock show so there were only about five groups of people, two to three in each group. All they had to do was follow the smell. Anyway we used our "free passes" today and saw "Prince of Persia" a far better movie anyway.
This picture was taken on our way to the theater. Funny thing, last year soon after I started this blog I photographed this same rose bush. When viewing the photo went outside to get a better shot. It made me think I had to try harder for my photographs. So what was I thinking taking the picture again? I have no clue, but I shot it with a wide angle and I love this picture!!! I especially love the two people in the bottom left. My husband is the guy in the bottom right, purple shirt.

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