Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Day 68 Ninth Street Recycling Guy on Bike

I was hanging around Ninth Street on a misty morning after a good night's rain in April, when I saw this guy on a bike whizzing past me. I knew his reflection would make for a great picture, so I ran as fast as I could to photograph him. He turned left in front of me and into the recycling place as I managed to shoot two frames. Out of breath I thought I possibly was to late, but that the image might work with him to the left of the frame. Not only do I not mind it, I kinda like it. Although I wonder if I was a faster runner, how the picture would look.


  1. I like it just the way it is because his reflection is in two spots. Just a great picture overall in my opinion.

  2. me likey! really like the "trash mountain" reflection with the sky.
