Friday, July 24, 2009

Day 85 Ticks

Yesterday while playing with the dogs we noticed what we thought was a tick on Tyler, so today I gave him a flea and tick bath. I expected to find one maybe two ticks, but was shocked to find many more. He is the one dog we have with pretty short hair and it's light as well. He always has that clean look about him. We dutifully picked off the ticks and put them in a water bottle filled with alcohol. While my husband went to the pet store to buy some Advantage, I picked up the bottle and was struck by the beauty of the light going through it. So of course I ran inside to get my macro lens. I don't understand why there were so many, but hopefully Advantage will take care of them. And after a nice game of fetch with his favorite toy, I think he forgot all about that terrible bath.

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