Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Day 34 Street photography

San Francisco has got to be the funniest place to take pictures of strangers on the street. I have to admit this is about my favorite thing to do photographically. My favorite street photographer has got to be with out question Henri Cartier Bresson. While even in my most far out dreams I could never take anything that could ever be compared to his work, I still try to see and take what I can. To be better in the future, than what I am now. And so a few shots of people whose names I don't know. Just strangers on the street in San Francisco. And one of a woman working in a Levi's store, of course in San Francisco.


  1. In the middle photo, there are a few things that I really like and I wanted to comment on. First, I like that you took a picture of some women who are fairly well-to-do, but who don't look like they have botox coming out their ears. In other words, yay middle age. Also, there is a lot of repetition in the photo which I think really makes it stronger. First you have the obvious two women, you also have 2 mannequins that could either show the great separation between generations or could be a reflection of the two women in their many possibilities, and finally there is a reflection of two trees that are on the other side of the women. A lot of doubles in the photo, and a lot of different layers.

    Visually, the middle one has the most to study I think, but I'm really drawn to the last photo. It is more commercial (literally), but the girl is making a great shape against her blue jean back ground. Definitely a good photo day for you.

  2. Amy, I enjoy your insights about the middle photo. I've thought myself there are many different ways to interpret the difference between the young mannequins and the older real women. For me the reality is that we age, we never stay young and beautiful forever.
