Thursday, June 11, 2009

Day 42 Splash of color

Yesterday my husband and I wandered around the mall wasting time. I used to shop at Hot Topic when I was a teenager, now as an old lady they look at me kind of weird when I enter. A glimpse of color caught my eye. It was rack of heart shaped neckless' hanging on display. I have never been one for liking heart shaped items. Thinking them a little juvenile, artistically speaking. But the color was beautiful. They were buy one get one half off. At 8 dollars a piece and with about 8 dollar bills in my purse I decided to get two. I emptied my purse on the counter digging for change. Doing stuff like that never embarrasses me. With my purchase in hand, we left. This morning I put both of them on the kitchen counter so the light could shine on their magnificent color. I did get some images I enjoyed but then thought, what about water? So I poured water on the heart shaped color and you have todays image.

1 comment:

  1. I like both the one before this and this one but I was thinking that maybe you try a little to hard to find the perfect pictures when really I think you could have lots of nice pictures just you have such a high standard you only want the best.. Maybe Im wrong I don't know just a thought : )
