Monday, June 29, 2009

Day 60 good and evil

Yesterday I met a man and handed him twenty bucks, he handed me back a mask. I used that mask tonight for Picture 60. My husband and I stood in the street taking pictures with an open shutter while popping the flash. We did this for nearly an hour and have completely different results on every frame. Some of the images have lights traveling like maniac light beings, but I edited my choices down to two simple ones. I studied them for awhile trying to choose between the two when it dawned on me that one of them looked evil and one of them looked like an angel. The evil mask guy has tiny flecks of red light looking like embers leaving the mask and traveling to the left. (you might have to click on the picture to see the embers) The house in the background in it's tilted and disoriented state also looks ominous, as if it's not quite safe with this evil guy lurking outside. The angel mask guy has an obvious halo and the light seems to be falling down like stardust from the heavens. The other small bits of light remind me of angels fluttering about. The house and jeep outside are more normal in appearance giving a safer feeling to the picture. It's almost funny I chose these two simple images to pick between. I didn't make the connection until I started to study them. Now that I have made the connection, how can I choose between them? After all what is good without evil?


  1. Very cool!
    Do you remember the piece you set to music that featured shots of your dogs? Can you send me the link to that so I can watch it now that I have sound on my computer?

  2. Thats an expensive mask. I hope you get more use out of it : ) I think you guys are talking about this video:
