Monday, June 22, 2009

Day 53 Coco

I was walking in Empire past almond orchards and old buildings thinking I would never run across something I could photograph, when through the bushes I saw Coco. She was jumping and barking at me as I walked down the street. She was back off the highway on private property so I asked the guy who came out to investigate what all the commotion was about, if I could take her picture. He replied that his wife would have to talk to me, she did and consented to me taking Coco's picture. When I first saw Coco the evening light was shinning on her and the dust was back lit, I knew she could give me a good picture. But while I was waiting for the wife to come out she was perfectly quiet. I hoped she would jump at me. She did, but just for a minute. After that all my pictures were of a sweet Coco.
I'm always surprised how nice people are that they let me photograph them or their pets. I'm always grateful too. I expected to photograph a stranger today but you never know what the photograph fairy is going to give you. As a photojournalist I used to drive around the country side, and have seen so many dogs doing interesting things while chained up in the front yard, that I thought it would be a fun series. This could be a good start to that series.

1 comment:

  1. Nick really likes this one hes using it as his Desktop background : )
