Saturday, July 25, 2009

Day 86 Pam

It's been awhile since I've gone out looking for a picture so no matter what I was determined to do that tonight. I left knowing my batteries were getting low, but was going to do what I could with what I had. I drove to Ninth Street and Pam crossed the street to ask me for a cigarette. I don't smoke but I asked her if she was working and she said "yes". I asked her if she would model for me if I payed her, she was very happy to do so. We walked a bit looking for a place to take pictures, she wanted to walk to another street but I didn't like the street lamp, I thought it would make the picture to hard to take with an open shutter and multiple flashes. We settled on a place in between which had multiple shopping carts so she could sit down. I struggled with the flash, and only took a few frames. I'm not sure how I feel about this picture.

1 comment:

  1. Okay now you officially can not use any more ninth street pictures, especially paying these women for there photos. I know of all the people who think outside the box you are the best! You get the best and most unique angles. Lets see more original things. Show us what only Diane sees.
