Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Day 97 L.J.

I didn't get off work from the fair until a bit past 11 p.m. so I thought it might be past midnight by the time I drove down Ninth Street on my way home. I parked my jeep and checked the time 12:05, yeah!! I could take a picture for today. As I crossed the street I noticed a guy watching me so I walked over towards him, he asked me if I worked for the Modesto Bee I said no but I wished I did cause then I could make some money. He then asked me if I was a cop and I had to laugh. I don't know why that question strikes me as funny but it does. I guess cause I'm so not a serious person. Any how we struck up a conversation and he agreed to let me take pictures of him. I tried about ten different times to come up with a good picture. Again I used an open shutter while popping the flash. I loved taking pictures of him, he is very photogenic. It was nice having a conversation with him as well, until his girl friend showed up, he warned me she was angry at him and she proved it to be true by yelling at him for allowing me to take his picture. He told her that I was an artist and she shouted "like hell she is". Then I left.

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